Tag Archives: L’oreal eye make up remover

Some Of My Fav Skincare Products :)



Helooooooo 😛 🙂 So, Thought I’d do a post on some of my favorite beauty products.


Since working in the airport, and having all the beauty counters at my disposal daily I’ve really taken an interest in looking after my skin. I’ve always had quite good skin, prone to a break out now and then but who isn’t?

Sooooo… Number 1 on my list that I have just recently discovered is this:




L’oreal Gentle Eye Make Up Remover – €4.09 in Boots, I’ve been getting for €3.40 in Dublin Airport so anyone flying through stock up!! 😉

I have quite sensitive eyes, make up wipes will irritate them and make them puffy, and so will certain other products. So I was a bit wary of this when i seen the price, I had paid a lot more for a No7 one that i found very oily, so i said I’d give this a go after one of the girls recommended it to me.

Well, am I glad I did!!!!! It is amaaaaaazing, so gentle and refreshing on the eyes, takes everything away and doesn’t leave that oily trace I find others can.

It comes in a 125ml bottle, and will last you ages. You only need a small bit on your cotton pad as it spreads.

This product is fantastic I would recommend everyone to give it a go, and for that price how can you go wrong!!!!!


Another L’oreal product I love is this:



L’Oreal Triple Active Hydrating Face Gel-Cream: €9.99 Boots 

I saw this sitting on the shelf one day and opened it up, the texture is beautiful. Its a gel cream, so its nice and light but sooo hydrating. Its not heavy or greasy on the skin and I found it brilliant.

The Air Con in my job was awful, my poor skin really dried out and this little beauty saved it. I tried a few different ones but this was the one that got the job done.

Gorgeous texture, Hydrating not greasy, Doesn’t sit on the skin, its beautiful!!!!


I’ve been using the normal skin one as an everyday moisturiser, they have a dry skin version too which I’ve just bought as i don’t want my skin to dry out while I’m flying. Haven’t tried it yet but I know its a thicker consistency, so I’ll see how I get on with that.


And finally, the last product I’ll talk about today:

Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Lip Protectant: €7.90 


This stuff…….. Is magic in a tin.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Elizabeth Arden??! 8 hour cream??” I had the same thoughts.

But this baby is amazing, move over vaseline!!

Its the most hydrating lip balm I have ever used, I find vaseline will hydrate for about 15 mins then your lips will be dry again, but this stuff really does the job well.

Its so good I even use it on my skin if I have dry patches, gets rid of them in no time!!
Honestly give it a go, and I guarantee you’ll have this in your bag 24/7 and there’ll be no Vaseline in sight!!


Hope you have enjoyed my reviews, and maybe give them a try and let me know what you think!!!

If anyone has any products they love drop me a comment, I love finding new products to try!!

🙂 xxx