Monthly Archives: June 2014

Some Of My Fav Skincare Products :)



Helooooooo 😛 🙂 So, Thought I’d do a post on some of my favorite beauty products.


Since working in the airport, and having all the beauty counters at my disposal daily I’ve really taken an interest in looking after my skin. I’ve always had quite good skin, prone to a break out now and then but who isn’t?

Sooooo… Number 1 on my list that I have just recently discovered is this:




L’oreal Gentle Eye Make Up Remover – €4.09 in Boots, I’ve been getting for €3.40 in Dublin Airport so anyone flying through stock up!! 😉

I have quite sensitive eyes, make up wipes will irritate them and make them puffy, and so will certain other products. So I was a bit wary of this when i seen the price, I had paid a lot more for a No7 one that i found very oily, so i said I’d give this a go after one of the girls recommended it to me.

Well, am I glad I did!!!!! It is amaaaaaazing, so gentle and refreshing on the eyes, takes everything away and doesn’t leave that oily trace I find others can.

It comes in a 125ml bottle, and will last you ages. You only need a small bit on your cotton pad as it spreads.

This product is fantastic I would recommend everyone to give it a go, and for that price how can you go wrong!!!!!


Another L’oreal product I love is this:



L’Oreal Triple Active Hydrating Face Gel-Cream: €9.99 Boots 

I saw this sitting on the shelf one day and opened it up, the texture is beautiful. Its a gel cream, so its nice and light but sooo hydrating. Its not heavy or greasy on the skin and I found it brilliant.

The Air Con in my job was awful, my poor skin really dried out and this little beauty saved it. I tried a few different ones but this was the one that got the job done.

Gorgeous texture, Hydrating not greasy, Doesn’t sit on the skin, its beautiful!!!!


I’ve been using the normal skin one as an everyday moisturiser, they have a dry skin version too which I’ve just bought as i don’t want my skin to dry out while I’m flying. Haven’t tried it yet but I know its a thicker consistency, so I’ll see how I get on with that.


And finally, the last product I’ll talk about today:

Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Lip Protectant: €7.90 


This stuff…….. Is magic in a tin.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Elizabeth Arden??! 8 hour cream??” I had the same thoughts.

But this baby is amazing, move over vaseline!!

Its the most hydrating lip balm I have ever used, I find vaseline will hydrate for about 15 mins then your lips will be dry again, but this stuff really does the job well.

Its so good I even use it on my skin if I have dry patches, gets rid of them in no time!!
Honestly give it a go, and I guarantee you’ll have this in your bag 24/7 and there’ll be no Vaseline in sight!!


Hope you have enjoyed my reviews, and maybe give them a try and let me know what you think!!!

If anyone has any products they love drop me a comment, I love finding new products to try!!

🙂 xxx



Reality has hittttttt….. I’M MOVING TO DUBAI!!!



So I’ve been ridicccculously busy!! Have not had a moment to look at this 😦

But here I am 🙂

So I’ll fill you in on my crazy last week….


I work in Dublin Airport, which means shift work, 4am starts, late nights the works! I work in retail in the Duty Free in the Perfumery and Cosmetics so the latest we work is 9pm which isnt so bad!

I owed one of the girls a day so i ended up working 8 days in a row, 10 and 9 hour shifts… I was exhausted!! But hey good practice for Emirates 😛

Today was my last day in the Airport, It was so sad!!

I’ve only been working there 6 months, but when you work shift work its basically like your second home, feels like you see more of the place than home sometimes!!! We have shift buddys as well so you get so close!!

My shift (the ones I’d always be on with) were a bunch of lunatics!! i loved them all, even though I’d want to kill them for dossing sometimes, even on a 4am shift they’d make me smile!

I also got to do some cool things working for the DAA (Dublin Airport Authority), I was asked to take part in a video for ARI who are the international company who runs Dublins Duty Free as well as many others around the world! We had to simulate a sale in the airport to show how it is very different from your average store, but we’re still just as fabulous 😉 haha, it was great fun and I was delighted to be asked to take part!

I also had photos taken for the DAA annual report, the yearly report on how the company done. I wasnt told this would be happening until the day so was a bit unprepared when the photographer approached me!! But it ended up on the cover so I guess they were happy enough with it!! Heres the finished picture (I hate it i look about 10 years old and I hadnt done my make up nice that day but here you go 😛


Front Cover and page 9…. horrendous photo!!!! 😛




So anyway, it was my last day today 😦 and even though we dont get any extra discount unless its a staff discount day or youre flying out if the EU (Emirates staff get 10 percent by the way when theyre flying through ;)) the prices are up to 20% percent cheaper than downtown so I took the chance to stock up today!! I’ll be doing a blog post about everything I bought in a bit so keep an eye!!

I’ve also been sorting everything out or trying to at least! I have one suitcase packed, its full to the brim and weighs a TON!! We get 50 KG going over which is great, but i’d say this one is verging on 30, and it doesn’t even have my cosmetics in it!!!! AHHHHH PANIC!!

I got all my vaccinations done, cost a fortune and hurt like HELL!! I dont do needles and last time I had a blood test i fainted so I was terrified, But i soldiered on, sucked it up and done it!

I had yellow fever ( which was horrific and gave me the flu for a few days ), Twinrex (Hep A and Hep B in one ), and blood tests done first time around. Then Diptheria, Polio and Meningitis second time. First time I fainted in Reception :/ ( I woke up to see the doctor over me with a glass of Lucozade. me and Blood tests just don’t go!!! I had a pint of Guinness after to get the Iron back into my system, Typical irish medicine technique!!! Although it was Scotts idea :P)

Overall they really weren’t half as bad as i thought, pinch for a sec then done 🙂

I also went to the Dentist, who I also have a fear of. (Yes I am a bit of a wuss by the way in case you hadn’t already guessed haha!!) But thankfully my teeth are all ok!! just had a cleaned and boommmm I was out of there!!!


My mam and dad are going on holidays a few days before I leave too so we’ve been out for dinner with them, and I’ve been shopping too OF COURSE!!! (I’ll post a few things I’ve bought too :))


So with everything happening so quickly, reality is starting to hit and its setting in that I’m moving to Dubai and I’m starting to freak outtttttt!!!!!!! Panic is setting in about how unprepared I am.


But I’m finished work now and Scotts off for a week after tomorrow, so he can help me prepare!!


I just have to keep calm till then……



All About Me :)

Anytime I read these blogs I always wonder about the person writing them, nosey I know! But I think it’s nice to know a bit about the person you’re reading about, so here’s a post all about me 🙂

As I said, I’m 21, just turned in March this year, and I’m from Ireland.
I live in the capital city of Dublin. I absolutely adore Ireland and love the people.

Ireland is really a beautiful country.Dublin is your typical city, busy and expensive. But the West of Ireland and many other places have breathtaking scenery.
Ireland’s a small country so there’s not many exciting opportunities for us young people, everyone heads off to Oz or Canada nowadays as soon as they can!!

I myself went and lived in Ibiza for 2 summers when I was 19 and 20.
My first night in Ibiza my first year, I was introduced to an English guy called Scott, he was gorgeous and really charming. I fancied him from the minute he spoke in his London accent!!

We ended up spending the summer together, and at the end he moved to Ireland with me to be together, after only 5 months knowing each other!
He’s the best boyfriend I could ask for, that’s not to say we don’t kill each other sometimes haha, but I absolutely adore him and would be lost without him 🙂

Scott and myself live in our own apartment in Dublin, we lived with my parents For agesssss ( they adore Scott, he cooked dinner for my mam made her lunch for work, went to the pub with my dad, cleaned the house, ideal son in law!!!! ) but have our own place now. It’s great 🙂

We both work full time, I work in retail in the duty free in Dublin Airport. That’s the main reason I wanted to go for Emirates, seeing them go through and talking to the cabin crew inspired me and made me curious 🙂

I work shift work so don’t do much other than work or sleep 😛 Scott always has dinner ready for me and makes us lunches for work, he’s a good one I know 😉 at least I’ll be prepared for the erratic shifts in Dubai!!

I love travelling new places and am absolutely dying to get to Dubai!!! It looks so amazing and I can’t wait to experience it, and any where else I’m lucky enough to travel to 🙂

And I can’t wait to meet everyone too, meeting different people from different parts of the world is always so interesting and you learn so much from them, who knows maybe I can teach you all some Irish phrases 😛

Emirates Recruitment Process: Open Day

Ok so I’m going to tell you all the details of my experience with the recruitment process, open day assessment day final interview the whole lot!!

I’ll start with the open day 🙂

So I applied online on Emiratesgroupcareers, didn’t have a specific date or anything just an open vacancy for cabin crewin Ireland.

I received an email a few days later informing me there was an open day in Dublin, my city, and all the details should I want to attend.

The email said business attire, so I wore a black blazer white shirt black pencil skirt (below the knee of course) and a pair of black heels, not too high.

I made it my business to get there as early as I could, so I arrived to the hotel around an hour before it was due to start. I thought id be one of the first there but there was around 50 or 60 people there already!! We all sat in the foyer of the hotel waiting.

Then a queue began to form to one of the rooms upstairs and we were called in and told to take a seat starting from the front row working our way back. Luckily I was sat in the second row 🙂

Our recruiter Julie (we only had 1, there can be 2)then began a presentation on life in Dubai and life as cabin crew, it was really interesting and inspiring and makes you want the job so much more!!

She then said she was going to begin the cv drop, she’d call us one by one and we’d go up and hand in our cv.(this is why it was good I was sat in the second row!!!)

I was called up after about 20 mins, sat down opposite her, said hello handed her in my cv, she asked if I was over 21 I said yes. She asked had I any tattoos I don’t so I said no (if you do have tattoos don’t panic, she has a picture with a boy and girl figures with the areas the uniform covers in black and the areas which it doesn’t in white. She asks you to point to the area if it’s in the black it’s fine if it’s in the white it’s not allowed, there were a few people with them somewhere in between so she just asked to see them and said whether they’d be ok or not!)

Then she said that’s great thank you, you’ll get a phone call by 7 o clock tonight if you’re successful, she’ll only ring once so if you don’t answer you’ll miss the opportunity and that’s that!!!

You only get 2 seconds with her one on one and you don’t really get to say anything at all, to be honest the open day is all about the way you look.
She watches you as you walk away and takes in every detail of how you’re groomed. You could easily pick out the people she wasn’t going to take, girls in short skirts, girls with black tights, messy hair, men with unironed suits. They give you guidelines so if you don’t follow them you’re a goner!!

I got my phone call at 4pm telling me to come back the next day ( having had the phone glued to me all day!!!!)

That was my open day, as I said you really don’t get much of a chance to show much personality or impress and you leave not knowing what to think!!
So here’s a few tips to get prepared:

* Dress to impress.
I can’t stress the importance of this enough.
Girls : Wear a blazer and knee length skirt,(it’s a middle eastern airline they want to see modesty and respect for the culture) I went for black but there were girls in grey etc. and a white shirt. Flesh coloured tights, very important, they need to see you’ve no massive tattoos etc. Wear modest heels, not humongous stilettos you’d go out clubbing in. A simple pair of court heels that completes your outfit is all you need.

Men : You need to look smart, a suit is very much advised. Crisp white shirt and tie with a blazer and matching trousers, everything ironed of course, and good shiny shoes 🙂

*General Grooming
As I said, the emphasis is very much on the way you look at the open day, so get up that bit earlier and make the effort, the Emirates crew always look immaculate so this is good practice 😉

Girls: Make up, Of course you want to look perfect, but having 3 inches of foundation caked on the face is a definite no no.
They want girls who are naturally beautiful, but of course still wearing make up. It’s a balancing act :p foundation concealer powder blusher mascara bit of eyeliner, nothing too heavy, is more than enough. And of course the trademark emirates red lipstick!
You want to look natural, even though it took me an hour to achieve this “natural look” on my open day haha!!

Men: Clean shaven is a must. No stubble, nice baby faces 😛

* Take an interest, don’t overpower
During the presentation the recruiter will ask questions to the crowd, now of course answer but don’t over power everyone else. And don’t say things for the sake of saying them, if you know an answer go for it but it’s not a case of whoever talks the most gets the job. Emirates want team players, don’t interrupt or talk over anyone.

* They’re watching
You are being watched constantly in there, so just remember that. Be alert and interested and do NOT be on your phone or caught looking at the time. You’ve committed to being there it might take a few hours, so don’t make plans for the day. (FYI my assessment day was the day after my open day and Final interview 2 days later, so make sure to take time off work and dont make plans!)

* Smile Smile Smile
Keep that Emirates smile on your face the entire time, my face actually hurt after smiling so much haha. And I don’t mean have a creepy clown grin plastered on, just a nice little smile shows you’re excited and invested in the job.

That’s my experience and tips, I hope it helps. It can be a daunting experience not knowing what to expect, but honestly go in looking good smiling away and you’ll do great 🙂

Hello There :-)

Hey!!! So I’m Martha,I’m Irish, 21 and currently getting ready to make the big move to Dubai in 19 days to work as Cabin Crew for Emirates airlines….. so exciting!!! As I was going through the whole recruitment process and now going through the paperwork to go prepare to move, ive relied on blogs and online forums to advise me and help me. So I thought why not start my own blog :-):-) ill be posting everything, from in depth details of the whole recruitment process, to training details, places I’m lucky enough to fly to, all about Dubai, make up and hair tips and everything in between! Hopefully you’ll find it helpful 🙂