Tag Archives: new adventures

All About Me :)

Anytime I read these blogs I always wonder about the person writing them, nosey I know! But I think it’s nice to know a bit about the person you’re reading about, so here’s a post all about me 🙂

As I said, I’m 21, just turned in March this year, and I’m from Ireland.
I live in the capital city of Dublin. I absolutely adore Ireland and love the people.

Ireland is really a beautiful country.Dublin is your typical city, busy and expensive. But the West of Ireland and many other places have breathtaking scenery.
Ireland’s a small country so there’s not many exciting opportunities for us young people, everyone heads off to Oz or Canada nowadays as soon as they can!!

I myself went and lived in Ibiza for 2 summers when I was 19 and 20.
My first night in Ibiza my first year, I was introduced to an English guy called Scott, he was gorgeous and really charming. I fancied him from the minute he spoke in his London accent!!

We ended up spending the summer together, and at the end he moved to Ireland with me to be together, after only 5 months knowing each other!
He’s the best boyfriend I could ask for, that’s not to say we don’t kill each other sometimes haha, but I absolutely adore him and would be lost without him 🙂

Scott and myself live in our own apartment in Dublin, we lived with my parents For agesssss ( they adore Scott, he cooked dinner for my mam made her lunch for work, went to the pub with my dad, cleaned the house, ideal son in law!!!! ) but have our own place now. It’s great 🙂

We both work full time, I work in retail in the duty free in Dublin Airport. That’s the main reason I wanted to go for Emirates, seeing them go through and talking to the cabin crew inspired me and made me curious 🙂

I work shift work so don’t do much other than work or sleep 😛 Scott always has dinner ready for me and makes us lunches for work, he’s a good one I know 😉 at least I’ll be prepared for the erratic shifts in Dubai!!

I love travelling new places and am absolutely dying to get to Dubai!!! It looks so amazing and I can’t wait to experience it, and any where else I’m lucky enough to travel to 🙂

And I can’t wait to meet everyone too, meeting different people from different parts of the world is always so interesting and you learn so much from them, who knows maybe I can teach you all some Irish phrases 😛